
Do you want free sounds & free music ?

Ok here you will find reguraly new free stuff … We will give you sounds from our own sound library, musics and stuff that we like.

New : Each cd of the label has now 1 or + whole extract for free ... more

Canyon de Chelly

EARTHLINK sing by children from the school of Peyrolles in Provence.
Original song from the cd Earth Link more


Nanalive1st track of the dvd from Earth Link "Live" on youtube more

Heart Of Mother Earth / Earth Link + Fernando Cellicion

EARTHLINK LIVE Unreleased on Earth LinkLive Dvdcause of the lack of memory space.... more

London Pratt / Riké de Métalovoice/ remix by dj G

London Pratt extract from cd " C est pour toi que je fais ca " / Riké de Métalovoice.... more

Soupe Opera / garlo

Soupe opera excerpt of the music for "Soupe opera " cartoons from Marlou films .... more

What they want /garlo

excerpt of the CD "Coup de sang" .... more


Morceau compose apres la manifestation de dimanche soir 21/04/02. Ce morceau peut etre utilise pour toute utilisation non commerciale. Ecoutez, copiez, dupliquez, faites ecouter, faites circuler, c'est fait pour ca ...

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since 22 Feb 2005