FROM October 2008 to May 2009 DIY transformation of an old print company into a recording studio .
2009 05 30
Beginning a wood structure in the voice studio for rock wool ( 8cm, 70Kgs / m3 ). A new work ! I have 4X4 wood, I put twice, long job, I will look for 4X8cm. Don't know how others do ?
voice studio -> entry

voice studio ->CR

2009 05 22
Fill the holes, Fill the holes, Fill the holes, Fill the holes,Bouchez, les trous, Bouchez les troFill the holes ...Pictures
CR-> front

CR ->voice studio

CR ->back. Plans still glued on my 85kgs door from the existing studio .

studio ->North

studio ->South

2009 05 21
TAN TAN TAn ...Beginning Gypsum board joints ( not sure of the english word ) Yippee ! Pictures
CR ->front

CR ->voice studio

CR -> back. Plans glued on one of the door I took at the existing recstudio.
The door is 85 Kgs !

studio -> North

studio ->South

2009 05 15
Can t work for 2 days but there s a new drawing with the right dimensions ( some small differences with the before plan but it s really not bad at all !) .

2009 05 12
Can t continue ceilings gb, some finitions first ...

2009 05 11
This afternoon it was more like a circus acrobaty. There s still gipsum board on the floor but I need to continue rec studio ceiling ...

Continue !

2009 05 09
Sound booth ceiling s ok .

Beginning entry room ceiling

2009 05 08
YEAHH FESTIVAL Of Control Room Ceiling Pictures :
Views from entry door

from vocal studio

from rec studio

from the back of the control room

2009 05 06
still on the CR ceiling ...

2009 05 01
Working day , still on the CR ceiling ...

2009 04 30
Not so much work since few days, Still the 1st layer of gb on the CR ceiling ...

2009 04 25
Back to diy recstudio work.Beginning 1st layer of gb on the contrtol room ceiling ...

2009 04 19
Yeah I know I need many finished touches, but the entry door is fixed ...

2009 04 17
Glass wool afternoon. Beginning control room ceiling. 40 cm of glass wool between wood & roof. No I m not scratching myself.
Did they change the product or am I immunized ? ...

2009 04 16
It looks like the yesterday 's pic , but in fact it s the 2nd layer of the vocal studio ceiling that 's finished.

2009 04 15
Can t go on in the rec studio ( there s a huge pile of placo in the middle ! ) So I v begun the vocal booth. insulation & 1st layer of gb. Small room but hard job too , walls are not parallel , there s not any 90° angle in this room.

2009 04 13
Easter Monday , no phone call , no work downtown at the rec studio ... gb & ceiling, great !

2009 04 11
Ah today I have a photographer, so I m on the pictures cut isolation, put the 1st layer / put gb ... !

2009 04 09
& 2 gb,yes hard job, still training !

2009 04 08
I just begin the ceiling, & I already know that 4Ocm of insulation & 2 gb will be a hard job !

2009 04 07
Delivery of gb & isover, looks like I ll begin the ceiling ( 2ba13 +40cm insulation ) !

I ve finished the east wall of the studio.Walls are nearly finished ( except a small one in the toilets & sound booth & 1 in the entry ).

2009 04 04
Preparing ventilation for the CR .

2009 04 03
I v put the refrigerated & water pipes for the 3 different air conditioners. Don t think enough $ to buy the air condtioners but when I will everything will be already passed through gb.

2009 04 02
Still working on ceiling s structure in the vocal studio... & studio

2009 03 28
Today i v worked on the structure of cr ... & studio ceiling structures. Again !

2009 03 26
I thought about an electrical plug for a projector on the rear wall of the control room. But i v forgot that I need some cables to get pictures (beta sp / beta num/ computer / dvd ...). So today Ive recut my wall to put 2 green gaines. Hopefully I havent begun the ceiling !

Going there in the small technical room.

2009 03 25
Continue preparing strange ceiling of the rec studio

+ control room one

2009 03 21
Just a few hours of work this week due to intense activity at the rec studio ( see cartoon), continue to prepare strange ceiling of the studio.

2009 03 15
3 big days behind me:
Before / After

+ preparing window
2009 03 12
BEginning last wall structure of the soundbooth. But there will be big works next 2 days !
2009 03 09
2 days workin on small stuffs, but its part of the whole think. Buy some cement & bricks + beginning vmc ( heu in english maybe mechanical ventilation control ?? or somethin like that)

Préparing for the wxindow masonry

a sound trap for vmc

make the right dimensions for doors

2009 03 07
Beginning of the rear wall of the control room (west)
2 layers of gb on the east wall of the studio

I will stop gb now, I need to fill existing holes in the walls with bricks. & Buy or found a door for the studio ?
2009 03 05
Beginning the right wall of the control room where there will be the the window.
2009 03 04
I ve finished the structure around the future window
There will be 2 windows ( one on the bricks, the other on the wood structure). Between the 2 windows, there will be wood ( of course, wood wil not touch the existing wall, there s 1cm left with insulation).

2009 02 28
Beginning wall structure of the control room in front of the window
& west wall of the control room

& 2 new wood beams in the control room.

2009 02 26
There will be a window here (an other picture than yesterday, but it's good after one day of jackhammer).
Entry door was removed

& it will be there :

2009 02 25
Here there will a window
And there the entry door

I will continue the door tomorrow, but now all muscles are painful,Ha Jackhammer!
2009 02 21
2 layers on the recstudio south wall
3 layers on the west wall

2 layers on the north wall

I sanded gb around doors & windows (so pictures are a bit smogy).
2009 02 19
Fed up with this wall.It s the wall between studio & control room ( where there will be the window) & between studio & vocal studio ( where there will be the door). 3 layers but not everywhere, I need to add more small pieces.

2009 02 17
I v finished the north & south walls wood structure in the studio, packed with insulation.

2009 02 14
3 wood beams are posed, I continued structures of north & east walls,& i have decouple the west wall from the roof. Ok now no walls touch the existing ones nor the ceiling.

2009 02 13
Friday 13 . continue the structure for the east wall & first beam between west & east wall .

2009 02 12
beginning 3 leaves of gb between studio & voice studio + structure of the northern wall to consolidate.

2009 02 11
2 leaves of gb between studio & voice studio, I must continue !

2009 02 9
Beginning insulation & gb of the western wall of the studio. Warning maybe another windstorm this night !

2009 02 07
A very good day : beginning of the electrical meter + 2 more 40kgs wood beams+ end of the structure of the studio west wall .

2009 02 06
Studio s south & west walls structures .

2009 02 03
Half of the control room south wall is finished .

Beginning structure for the studio south wall & the wall between studio & control room .

2009 01 31st
Good day, I ve finished the 3 layers of gb on the north wall of the control room.

2009 01 29
First day I can rework, before it was windstorm & repairing. I ve lost some tools but it's ok. Working on the northern wall of the control room. 3 layers already at the back, starting 1st layer on the front.

Patch will be there :

2009 01 23rd
Just 2 hours work, beginning GB of CR north wall .

2009 01 22nd
Some people said me its very slow . They are right . It sreally slow, but it s a DIY work, & I m alone & I work at the rec studio every morning, so I can only work 3 or 4 hours a day on the future rec studio. Yes yes I agree it s slow. Today some more electric cables !

2009 01 19th
Future entry door will be there !

2009 01 16th
Ah it s so good to see my first 40kg wood beam where its supposed to be.

2009 01 13th
Here is a rough draw of the studio. Control room will be 24m2. Today continue preparing future window & put some wood to consolidate wall.

2009 01 12th
I continue to cut the steel structure of the northern wall at the right height. & began to cut existing wall to prepare future window.

2009 01 10th
Bad news,the roof structure is not strong enough to hang the ceiling ( 2gb + insulation + cables ... = env 25kg/m2) . A steel ingeneer said me to put new structure on the top of the new walls.
Good news,I begin the control room south wall with wood. I also began to cut the steel structure of the northern wall at the right height.

06 01 2009
Half of the insulation for one wall of the control room . Nice !

2009 01 2nd
Bad picture but its a future vocal studio with 3 walls of GB finished & 3 layers on each. 2009 will be good !

Last day of 2008
Ceiling structure & 3 walls of the entry room are finished. Year could have been better but worse too. Studio construction is slow but 2009 will be better !

2008 December 29th
Ceiling structure of the vocal studio.

2008 December 28th
First electric cables & insulation.

2008 December 22th
Vocal booth to be finished . You can see there s still plenty GBto be used behind !

2008 December 18th
3leaves made on the wall between vocal booth & entry . Heu just one side !

2008 December 16th
Beginnin wall between vocal booth & entry .

2008 December 13th
New walls for the sound booth & toilet rooms . I ll finish when all electric cables will be placed.

2008 December 10th
Beginning the wall of the sound booth & toilet rooms

2008 December 6th
3rd layer on the wall between CR & voice studio

2008 December 5th
beginin the 2nd layer on the wall between CR & voice studio

2008 December 3rd
Bad picture but Im beginin the 1st layer on the wall between CR & voice studio

2008 December 2nd
Uprights on the future wall between CR & voice studio

2008 November 29th
90mm rails on the wall between CR& voice studio

2008 November 28th
2 layers on the wall between control room & sound booth

2008 26 November
3rd layer just on one wall ! But it s the Eastern Wall of the Control room !

2008 19 November
Joint 1st layer, beginnin 2nd layer.Heu just on 1 wall! No half of 1 wall.

2008 November 12th
beginnin of the 1st layer of GB on the front wall of the control room. Alone, its slow !

2008 November 8th
First uprights

2008 November 7th
First delivery , Im alone & afraid !

2008 November 5th
I begun to screw the 90mm rail on steel structure , its slow but Obama is here today to help the mental !

2008 November 3rd
I begun to put the 90mm (rails?) on concrete ( cork between)

2008 November 1st
steel bars welded on the frame for new walls & insulation

2008 october 28th
Drawing walls

2008 october 24th
8m3 of concrete this morning

2008 october 22snd
cables, steel , ready for the concrete on friday

2007 and 2008
Resume :
I have emptied the place, took off the ceiling and old steell shelves.


and dig !

water conducts & fill up !

Took off the old roof, painting the roof structure and it was raining !

The new roof

Limestone,rockwool and plastic sheet !

2007 before :

lReactions ?