GARLO : Earth Link and Carnet de route
© 2004 cipaudio
"The cd " This is Earth Music
with native american " AND the french book
" Road diary in Arizona, Navajo land
began the recording sessions in Santa Fe, Navajo
Land and Zuni Pueblo with Verdell Primeaux &
Johnny Mike ( Navajo and Sioux singers of peyote
and healing songs) and Fernando Cellicion ( Zuni
flute player). This is not World Music ! I prefer
the idea of Earth Music ! The earth is small,
I've met musicians on it. We share a lot of values
and some good moments. We play music together
because we're on the same wave lenght.
We've no wish for a particular style. The result
of course is a music outside the standard classifications.
The result is also the song "People"
recorded with 200 earthlings who came to sing
about the multitude of people. We are all different
and we don't make the same music, but we make
it with the same spirit. This is Earth Music !
A mix of healing songs, native flute, modern rythms,
guitars played by the wind in the desert and modern
songs about humanism and Earth links.
Prix: €20.00 Postage included 
1. Night in Stepbridge
2. Heart of Mother Earth 
3. Tout Ce Qu'ils Veulent
4. Canyon De Chelly
5. Go in Beauty ( whole extract)
6. Vocables From the Canyon ( whole extract)
7. People
8. Vision Rouge
9. Believe in Your Dreams
10. New Pow Wow
11. El Morro
12. Zuni Dub 
13. Peyote Lullaby
14. Space Pow Wow
15. People 2 (whole track)
