I v stopped Cipaudio company in 2010. If you want some infos you can contact Fabrice Moinet he is the boss for that : fabrice.moinet@gmail.com
Here at cipaudio We love new digital tools
In 2004 we organised in Bordeaux the 1st meeting
on « Interaction & Multidiffusion
We want people know about these techniques
and our savoir faire.
Here a small resume :
DVD Samples
Just to remember that we can work on dvd masters
for a 5+1 sources diffusion.
Ex : exhibitions...
Demo of a drums mix in stereo and then in 6
differents points. We can ad special room effects
in 6 points on a stereo basis.
Ex : Shows, concerts, exhibitions, DVD mastering
From a single computer, we can send different
asynchrons informations on different loud speakers
(64 chanels). The listener can choose what he
wants to listen to.
Ex : In museums or during exhibitions, you can
choose to listen to just the music or just the
voice, or music plus the voice in plenty of
Spatialisation in real time
With your finger on a control deck, you put
the sound where you want in the room.
Easier & more efficient than with a joystick
( you can tap with different fingers)
Ex : Live spatialisation during a show ...
Infra red captation
Demonstration : When the box is closed, there
is no sound, when you open it, you listen to
the music.
Ex : ? a musical box of the XXIst.
Captation on the human body
Demonstration / When Fabrice tied his arms,
the music is gettin slower.
When he put his arms in the back, music get
When he taped with his foot, music accelerate
till its in real time
Ex : During a show the artist modify the sound
in real time with his body.
Other captation
Demo / A rythm play alone, Fabrice hold the
guitars sound in his hands, if he throw the
guitars in the air
there is no more guitars
Try to explain but everybody was really surprised.
Ex : During a show the artist modify the sound
in real time with his hands.
A green sound
and a red one
Demo / When you move a green object in the
space, you modify a sound. Louder when you move
high, low frequencies when you move on your
Same with a red object.
Ex : ?? Make sound & music by moving in
the space.
Thanks to musicians who came for show cases
with 6+1 loud speakers :
Erik Baron / Bass solo
Virax & Ledoux / Basses
Laurent Dailleau / Theremin.
Sound creations
Christina Clar was presenting :
"Turning dreams & Shifting Harbors"
originaly released in Los Angeles in 2003. Hundreds
of sounds & interviews extracts from USA
migrants moving in the space on 8 loud speakers.
Garlo was presenting:
"By not forgetting your other senses"
a dvd installation trying to reconciliate
the sight & the Ear.
- An extract from "the Whispering Water
A Central loud speaker made of 6 loud speakers
simulate a rotating sound and deliver friendly
words in different languages. Garlo & Patrick
Marty were laureate with this creation of the
Panchiao international competition in 2000 in
For all questions concerning multidiffusion,
spatialisation and captors please don't hesit
to contact us :
Cipaudio 05 56 98 98 58
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