Garlo : road movie / doc 26' " Go to Tuva "
Home made copy dvd with english & french versions 26'.
No box, no design... Home made !
Sold with the cd : send a mail to garlo(at)
wyour address & what you want we will send you the right price. ( ex cd + dvd or cd + Carnet + dvd or cd + dvd + Tshirt or cd + dvd + Carnet + tshirt) ....
Go to Tuva is a 26' ethno-rock road movie / documentary.
We decided to Go to Tuva in July 2011.
Besides the music that is a mix of ethno rock & Sainkho universe,I wanted to see her country, to meet people, to have stories, pictures, sensations, sounds, meetings with such an unknown country.
The aim of Go to Tuva is to give more informations about this republic & it's rich music.
Tuva is considered as the geographic centre of Asia & as the birthplace of throat-singing ( techniques that enable to sing 2 notes at the same time ).
There is no airport, no train & just 3 roads. Go to Tuva.
26' HD 16/9 stereo. Directed by garlo.

